She is incredibly motivating and supportive
Dr. Sophia Green has been helping me with the products for about a month now and the results have been fantastic. I...
Exactly what l was looking for
I have been working with Dr. Sophia Green for 1 month now and have lost almost 23 pounds using the 35 product...
It's a miracle, I really lost weight this time, I lost 39 pounds in 30 days.
It's no exaggeration to say that Dr. Sophia saved my life. She was very patient and carefully guided every step...
My husband lost 28 lbs and I lost 25 lbs in 3 weeks using the magic product
Dr. Sophia Green’s vast knowledge and expertise in weight loss is second to none. She changed the way my husband and I...
I would highly recommend
Today was my last session with Dr. Sophia Green, and after 1.5 months of treatment, not only have I lost 32 pounds, ...
I am a completely different person confidence wise
Having worked with Dr. Sophia Green for over two months I’ve noticed a massive change in my body. I am a completely...
I cannot shout loud enough about how amazing Dr. Sophia Green is
I can’t thank Dr. Sophia Green enough for the incredible job she does. She is supportive, friendly and genuinely cares about your...
Dr. Sophia Green helped me to achieve something great
I have been struggling wiht my weight for over a decade and Dr. Sophia Green has helped me achieve great success. At....
My husband has lost a stone in 3 weeks and I have lost 11 pounds
Dr. Sophia Green extensive knowledge and expertise about nutrition is second to none. She has changed both mine and my husbands way...
Life changing for me
My first call with Dr. Sophia Green was so pleasant it is like she knew exactly what I needed an instantly decided...
This programme feels completely sustainable
I contacted Dr. Sophia Green in January this year, as like many people of my age, I've hit 50 and although I...
My life has changed completely
To this day, I am still very grateful to Dr. Sophia Green, she really helped me a lot, I successfully lost 46 pounds and welcomed a new life...